• The Valentines (2) (Vancouver, British Columbia)


    Personnel :

    Irene Butler

    Nancy Davis

    Joy Findlay

    Nancy Davis


    Discography :

    The Valentines (2)
    1961 - The Sock / 16 Senoritas (Iona 1003)

    Les Vogt (bb The Valentines (2))
    1960 - The Blamers / Moon Rocketin' (Iona 1001)


    Biography :

    The Valentines were founded by three girls from Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada named Miki Shannon, Irene Butler, and Joy Findlay. In 1960 a four member was added named Nancy Davis and in May or June of 1960 they went into studio of Iona records at 6035, Le Doux Road in Los Angeles to sing back up on a Les Voigt session that saw a release in July.

    The Valentines (2)    The Valentines (2)
    The Valentines                                                                                        Les Vogt

    This led to more session work and are almost certainly he reason why they were called in to do session by themselves in October-November 1960. At the time, Irene who had married Les Vogt was pregnant and left the group shortly after the session. The Songs "The Sock" and "16 Senoritas" saw release in late November. The three remaining girls continued to perform live and did radio and TV shows with the local success their records (hit #3 in the local hit parade) had until they broke up in 1962.

    The Valentines (2)

     Nancy kept on performing with Tom Baird, a  local piano player from Vancouver, later she went on To CBC Television show called "Let's Go". Nancy opened a singing studio in West Vancouver where she taught singing, still doing occasional performance.


    Songs :
      (Update By Hans-Joachim)

    The Valentines (2)

    The Sock                                         Sixteen Senoritas

    Les Vogt (bb The Valentines (2))

    The Blamers                                Moon Rocketin'


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