• Sonny & The Dukes (5)  aka aka The Unisons

    Sonny & The Dukes (5) (Baltimore, Maryland)
    aka The Unisons


    Personnel :

    George "Sonny" Hatchett (Lead)

    Eddie Rich (First Tenor)

    Richard Williams (Baritone)

    Albert Smith (Bass)


    Discography :

    Sonny & The Dukes (5)
    1962 -  My Love / Make Up Your Mind (Reverb 611)

    George Jackson bb The Unisons
    1962 - Watching The Rainbow / Miss Frankenstein (Lescay 3006)


    Biography :

    In 1962, George "Sonny" Hatchett, Richard Williams (baritone), Eddie Rich (First Tenor) and Albert Smith (bass) Teamed in a group called Sonny & The Dukes. George "Sonny" Hatchett & Richard Williams were members of the Cardinals whose recordings would not be released until 1974 on "Bim Bam Boom" who except for their Lead Singer, Junius "Ernie Lee" Warren, had no connection to the Atlantic Cardinals. Eddie Rich had been a Lead Singer of the Swallows, and the group's Bass, Albert Smith, was also a member of The Swallows. Sonny & The Dukes recorded  "My Love" and "Make Up Your Mind" for Reverb 611. The exact same lineup also backed up George Jackson, former lead of the Plants on "Watching The Rainbow" and "Miss Frankenstein" for Lescay records. On this single, they were dubed as the Unisons.


    Songs :

    Sonny & The Dukes (5)

           My Love                                      Make Up Your Mind 

    George Jackson & The Unisons

    Watching The Rainbow                         Miss Frankenstein   


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