• Rick & Eddy
    Richard Muniz

    Rick & Eddy (New York)


    Personnel :

    Richard "Rick"  Muniz

    Edward "Eddy" Lehe


    Discography :

    1961 - Jeannie (With The Bright Red Hair) / I Never Loved (Hit-Teen 887)


    Biography :

    Richard Muniz from Palmerton, Pennsylvania, and Edward Lehe from Long Island, New York, were "Rick & Eddy". They get a recording contract with Hit-Teen Records. Hit-Teen Records has been formed (in New York) by Ronnie Eden, Billy Mac, and Steve Camhi. At the end of August 1961 Rick & Eddy go into the studio and record two songs they wrote "Jeannie" and "I Never Loved".


    I Never Loved                                          Jeannie   


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