•  The Du Mauriers

    The Du Mauriers (Brooklyn, NY)

    Thanks to Liam


    Personnel :

    Donald "Razor" Raysor

    Leon Briggs

    ... Anderson

    Butch ...


    Discography :

    1958 - All Night Long / Baby I Love You (Fury 1011)


    Biography :

    The Du Mauriers again fall into the category of groups who only ever managed to get one record released. In their case they had a goodie in "All Night Long"/"Baby | Love You" (Fury 1011) which saw release in February, 1958. This Brooklyn group appear to have named themselves after the cigarettes of the same name. The mind boggles at the prospect of the Camels, the Wild Woodbines, the Rothmans, the Stuyvesants, the Capstans, and the Weights, but fortunately that trend did not catch on! .

     The Du Mauriers     The Du Mauriers

    Likely from Brooklyn, NY, group lasted no longer than a week, Donald "Razor" Raysor & Leon Briggs were from The Velvets on Fury and The Clippers on Gee.  Leon Briggs was also with The Miracles on Fury and Donald "Razor" Raysor with The Valentines on Old Town.


    Songs :

    All Night Long                              Baby I Love You


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