•  The Chalets

    The Chalets (Brooklyn, New York)

    Personnel :

    Andy Moraglia

    Donald Jones

    Willie Calia

    Phil Rao

    Thomas Rock


    Discography :

    1957 - Fat Mom-Mi-O / Who's-Laughing Who's-Crying (Tru-Lite 101 / Musicnote 115/ Dart 1026)

    Biography :

    First formed in 1956, originating from the corners of the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York. The original group consisted of Andy Moraglia, Donald Jones, Willie Calia, Phil Rao and Thomas Rock. The Chalets auditioned for ABC/Paramount Records and although that connection never materialized eventually they were signed to do two sides for the Tru-Lite label. They did one session, in 1957, which produced "Who’s Laughing Who’s Crying" and "Fat Mom-Mi-O". After the release of this 45, Willie Calia was approached by MGM Records to do solo recordings. Neither the Chalets nor Willie Calia's solo career survived. Although the group did not have major success with the recording, it was successful and in demand enough to be reissued twice in the early 1960's. The reissues were on the Dart and Musicnote labels. After the Chalets had broken up, Andy Moraglia sang with the Blendairs on Tin Pan Alley.


    Songs :

               Fat Mom-Mi-O                      Who's-Laughing Who's-Crying


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