• Tommy Sena & The Valmonts (Long Island, NY)
    aka The Val-Monts


    Personnel :

    Tommy Sena (Lead Singer)

    Larry Rosano (Sax)

    Anthony DiRusso (Accordian)

    Ted Valerio (Guitar)

    Gary ??? (Drums)

    Discography :

    Tommy Sena & The Valmonts
    1960 - Oh! Come On Ma! /  Fiesta in a Pizzaria (Valmont 902)
    1960 - I Can't Get Up / Choo Choo Train (College Hop) (Adore 903) 

    Tommy Sena bb The Valmonts
    1960 - I Can't Get Up /Choo Choo Train (College Hop) (Valmont 903)
    1961 - Let it Be Me / Choo Choo Train (Valmont 904) 

    Tommy Sena & The Val-Monts
    1962 - Onions (Remind Me Of You) / The Wobble (Valmont 905)

    Tommy Sena
    1962 -  Let's Just Be Friends / I Always Think of You (Top Sound 540) 



    Biography :

    The band was made up of Tommy Sena, Larry Rosano, Anthony DiRusso, Gary  & Ted Valerio. All members were formally trained and could read music. The band played music for both adults and teenagers. Tommy Sena & The Val-Monts  played many local dances & parties on Long Island NY during the early 60's.

    They recorded several original songs including "The Choo Choo Train"," I can't Get Up", "The Wobble", "Onions Remind Me of You", "Fiesta in a Pizzaria", "Let It Be Me". They also played at "Palisades Amusement Park., New Jersey" in 1962 with Tony Orlando & Gene McDaniels. 

    Tommy Sena & The Val-Monts   

    After one of their records was released they played at record hops in Massachusettes on the same show with Curtis Lee "Angel Eyes" & Don & Juan "What's Your Name". Unfortunately, their music never recieved much air play in the NY metropolitan area.  In 1962 The Val-Monts played a democratic rally on Long Island for presidential condidate John F Kennedy.  The band broke up somewhere around 1964-5

    Ted Valerio "Radio Show"
    (Every Friday morning from 9 AM to 12)

    Songs :

    Tommy Sena & The Valmonts

    Onions (Remind Me Of You)                    The Wobble

    Let It Be Me                           Choo Choo Train


    Tommy Sena

    I Always Think Of You





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