• The Three Graces

    The Three Graces
    Miss Mary Grace (right)

    The Three Graces ( New York)



    Mary Grace Bookhart



    Discography :

    Singles :
    1958 - X Equals Kiss / Jimmy Joe (Golden Crest 515)
    1959 - Billy Boy's Time / Lonesome And Sorry (Golden Crest 528)
    1960 - Missed / 7 L  (Golden Crest 534)
    1960 - Larry Applebaum / My Hero (Golden Crest 546)

    Eps :
    The Three Graces / The Wailers (Golden Crest 88601 / 88602)
    Billy Boys' Tune / 7 L / Tall Cool One / Road Runner

    The Three Graces  


    Biography :

    The Three Graces from New York City, were composed of Mary Grace Bookhart and two other unidentified young ladies. They recorded four singles for Golden Crest. Golden Crest was a Long Island label owned Clark Galehouse who also owned the Shelley pressing plant, makers of mostly styrene pressings. The Three Graces  had a radio turntable hit with “Billy Boy’s Tune”  which snuck in at No.100 in Cash Box national chart for two weeks in late summer 1959. Subtitled "Billy Boy's Funeral March" is a song with a wild guitar solo in the middle, sung by a group of three girls from different vocal backgrounds - classical, theatre and pop.

    The Three Graces     The Three Graces

    When reviewed in the summer of '59, Billboard called it "a sharp reading of a first class piece of material." The reviewer predicted heavy sales which never happened and this exceptional song was soon forgotten. The single was originally issued as "Billy Boy's Funeral March" and the all three gals were brunettes. The single was retitled "Billy Boy's Tune" with the same 3 brunettes and echo was added to the musical mix . Somewhere along it's life, the middle gal was replaced with a blonde and the label was changed!

    Songs :

    Missed                                       X Equals Kiss

    Lonesome And Sorry                                     7 L          

    Larry Applebaum


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