• The Supremes (4)

    The Supremes (4)  

    Top : Alex Rocker, Boyce Foster, William Perry, Ralph Murphy, Peter Lane and Javan Foster
    Bottom : Richard A. Ward & Mike Arcidiacono

    The Supremes (4) (Lawrence Ma)
    Thanks to Marv Goldberg


    Personnel :

    Ralph Murphy

    Alex Rocker

    Boyce Foster

    William Perry

    Peter Lane

    Javan Foster

    Lee Murphy (Bass)


    Discography :

    1959 - Could This Be You / Margie (Kitten 6969)


    Biography :

    The "New England" Supremes were a bunch high school kids who used to hang out near the Supreme Cleaners in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The Group consisted of Alex Rocker, Boyce Foster, William Perry, Ralph Murphy, Peter Lane and Javan Foster. In 1956, they waxed "Could This Be You " b/w "Margie" at Boston's Ace Studios. Ralph Murphy brought along his Uncle Lee - who at thirty was the old man of the group - to handle the Bass vocal chores. A handful of copies were pressed on the Kitten Label by local entrepreneur James Goren. It's unlikely that many escaped the immediate area. most of the Supremes disappeared from music first, and Lawrence second, wich is unfortunate for fans of their superb effort.

    Songs :

    Could This Be You / Margie


  • Comments

    Rick Diodati
    Sunday 3rd January 2021 at 00:54
    Whenever I hear this song I think of this story. One day years ago I was loading a Roadway truck at Malden Mills in Lawrence. It was in the 80's.I loved singing Doo-wop's while I worked. I started singing this song in the trailer. The driver said " Wow,you know that song? "My name is Boyce Foster, I wrote it.He was a great guy. He invited me to his house a couple of weeks later to meet some of the Supremes. We sang all night. I think he passed away this year. We also met at some of Little Walter's doo wopp shows at the Hampton Beach Casino.
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