• The Montereys (4)

    The Montereys (4) The Montereys (4) (Bronx, New York)


    Personnel :

    Francis Harper

    Charles Dever

    Louis LoBiondo

    Patrick Callahan


    Discography :

    1958 - The American Teens / I’ll Love You Again    (East West 121)



    Vocal group from The Bronx composed by Francis Harper, Charles Dever, Louis LoBiondo and Patrick Callahan. The Monterey recorded two songs "The American Teens" and "I’ll Love You Again" released by East West Records in New York. The A side "The American Teens" was copyrighted twice. By the members of the Monterys and by Eddie Connor.

    The Montereys (4)     The Montereys (4)

    The group were unaffiliated with a publisher (or a record label) so went ahead and copyrighted their song as individuals on August 22. Then they shopped it around and Atlantic/East West picked up their recording (or decided to record them).. Part of the deal would have been Progressive taking over the copyright thus ensuring 50% of any royalties would flow back to Atlantic and the other 50% would be split by the members of the group. Atlantic, being really efficient, re-registered copyright in December (at time of record release) via Progressive to ensure their claim on the copyright.
    by Klepsie


    Songs :

    The American Teens                        I’ll Love You Again


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