• The Hi-Dells

    The Hi-Dells  

    The Hi-Dells (Bronx, New York) ???


    Personnel :

    Two Brothers

    Discography :

    1962 - Baby Doll
    1962 - Don’t Let Der Cry
    1962 - Later For You Darling


    Biography :

    According to a Youtubeurs who posts a lot of good doo wop music, the "Hi-Dells" would be his father and his uncle who can be seen in the photos. the two boys under the name of "Hi-dells" would have recorded three songs which would never have been released. Yet we wonder why? the three pieces dating from 1962 should have been published, the pieces are extraordinary. Another source says they are from the Bronx... If the Youtubeurs (Medieval History) reads this,  can he give us some additional information.


    Songs :

              Baby Doll                            Don’t Let Her Cry Tonight

    Later for you darling


  • Comments

    Monday 13rd March 2023 at 04:32

    I believe these recordings were made by the Youtuber himself, and are not actually from 1962. Still great recordings. 

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