• The El Torros (2)

    The El Torros (2) 

    The El Torros (2) (Alliance, Ohio)


    Personnel :

    Chester Daniel "Danny" Boone

    Richard Franklin

    Lonnie McLeod

    Fred Terrell

    Virgil Banks

    Discography :

    1958 - Love Is Love / All The Tears Is Gone (Fraternity 811)

    Biography :

    A notable St. Louis vocal group, the doo-wop oriented El Torros was Formed by singer Lloyd Lockett in 1951, the group signed to a record contract with Duke/Peacock Records company in 1956. El Torros made several discs but had no hits and went through many changes. At the same time, there was another El Torros group, that had a single record on the Fraternity label, out of Cincinnati, Ohio. The quintet from Alliance, Ohio, Akron-Canton area, consisted of Chester D. Boone, Lonnie McLeod writer of "Love Is Love ", Richard Franklin, Virgil Banks and Fred Terrell, writer of "All The Tears Is Gone".

    The El Torros (2)

    The El Torros signed a recording contract with Fraternity Records. Fraternity Records was a small record label based in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was started by Harry Carlson and silent partner Dr. Ashton Welsh in 1954. Fraternity's biggest-selling hit was Lonnie Mack's 1963 guitar instrumental, "Memphis", which rose to #5 on Billboard′s Pop chart and #4 on Billboard′s R&B chart. The El Torros recorded at Fraternity Records a Syd Nathan King Records division. Mr. Johnny Otis had worked with them while producing for Mr. Nathan they'd hit harder.

    Songs :

    Love Is Love                                  All The Tears Is Gone


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