The Three Guys
The Three Guys (Cleveland, Oh)
Personnel :
Ron Bakalar
Robert Puls
William Puls
Discography :
1960 - Where Or When / Not Yet (Clown 3009)
Biography :
The record, “Where or When,” has received wide praise from the public who heard a trial version of the song. The trio, known as “The Three Guys,” includes Ron Bakalar, 21-year-old senior from Lakewood, Bob and Bill Puls from Parma. Ron and Bill sang in a semi-professional quartet in high school, which broke up just before graduation in 1955. Then in November 1958, the trio got together. Don got the idea for the song by watching the TV program, “Concentration.” He noticed that everytime the M.C. asked the contestants if they could guess the puzzle, they answered, “not yet.” He thought that would make a good title for a song, and so he wrote it. The song, however, doesn’t deal with the TV show, but with lovers.
The record was cut in February on the Clown label. The boys originally cut the record Jan. 3 in Chicago, and brought it back to Cleveland for a preview. At the time they were told it needed some refining, so they re-cut it, this time in Cleveland. Al Russ and his orchestra provide the music for the recording. The “three guys” credit WERE disc jockey Tommy Edwards with discovering the group. They brought the “dub” a rough draft of the record to Edwards, who played it on his show. It was picked up by the station’s other DJ’s, including Phil McLean. McLean played the record on his Saturday night request show. At the close of the program he announced over the air that the record “Where or When” had received more requests than any other recording he has played on a Saturday night program.
Songs :
Where Or When Not Yet